Product Info
The Reo is an iconic model in the kitesurf world, designed for uncompromised wave riding and renowned for delivering outstanding performance and feeling.
Two years after the V6 launched, now tuned more tightlythan ever, the icon returns in the form of the Reo V7. A pure
fire mix of speed, power control, drift and rapid relaunch, the
V7’s joystick control delivers thrilling sessions every time you
hit the water.
· Wave riding specific design
· Improved low end and wider performance range
· Transverse sail shaping for cleaner and tighter canopy
· Super direct with improved response and range before luffing
· Instant power, faster handling, huge de-power and insane drift
This year there is also a second version of the Reo V7 available:
the Reo V7 Ultra-X. Click this link for more info or see the
comparisons between the two kites at the end of this info pdf.
focused wave kite you can buy with exquisite aerodynamic
handling that ensures excellent, long-lasting performance.
It may surprise you to note that the ‘standard’ V7 model is still
lighter than some of the other available models on the market
that are pitched as ‘super light’.
The strength properties of the lighter weight materials in the
Ultra-X are actually higher, but if you regularly kite off a rocky
beach then the thicker materials of the regular V7 model will
provide more ‘scuffable’ material with the extra layers of fibre for
longer lasting wear and tear abuse.
Broken down, the Ultra-X is built around the new V7 framework. There have been many subtle tweaks to stitching lines and panels applied to these designs since the V6 model, but the biggest improvement in canopy tautness has been achieved thanks to transverse sail shaping on the leading edge, improving your sense of sail control.
Applying the experience of our paragliding design colleagues, the V7 framework features an extra seam in the sail running close to the leading edge, which allows for more true 3D shaping.
Not only have we managed to add more profile curvature, we’ve also added more strength in the high lift zone thanks to that extra seam.